Saturday, May 25, 2013

Welcome to the wonderful world of Classics!

Hello fellow bloggers and curious explorers,

Today I want to introduce you to Classics - a truly marvelous, ingenious world, if you look closely that is. 

Before I go on, I need to ask you, have you ever read a Jane Austen novel like <<Pride and Prejudice>> or a Charles Dickens novel such as << Oliver Twist>>? By the way, those two are my all-time favourites - if you haven't yet, then this is a blog for you! 
Now, you may have seen this movie poster somewhere before:

The first poster for <<Pride and Prejudice>> by Jane Austen (left) represents the mini series made in 1995 that is about 3 hrs or longer. The right poster shows the most recent adapted version in 2005. Both movies were huge hits, but in terms of accuracy and realistic imitation of the novel, I would say the older version portrayed it better (Mostly owing to the fact that the 2005 one features incredibly hot actor and actress, and focuses on key facts of the story). <<Becoming Jane>> is another favourite movie of mine, because it is all about Jane Austen - not her characters. Plus, James McAvoy is a hottie.

Anyways, getting back to my initial point, Jane Austen was a female British writer who was active in late 1700s to early 1800s. Many people think that Classics belongs to a certain century or an era which is limited to specific time and place. However, Ernest Hemingway's novels are also considered Classics who was born as American and died in 1961. That being said, Classics can be a broad subject - it has so many writers that it might take several years (or my whole life) to finish every single book that was ever written by those countless, amazing writers in the world!

What I want to do in this blog is to share what I feel about Classics and to talk in-depth about several writers and their novels. I particularly am inspired by Jane Austen, a female writer who literally mastered the art of writing, and Charles Dickens who happens to have had great vigour to write all of those thick, 1000-paged novels as well as others including Emily Bronte, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Hermann Hesse and Leo Tolstoy.

I would also talk about non-classic writers who has struck me most definitely and shaped me during my teenage years such as Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Bernard Werber, Harper Lee, Joachim de Posada and José Saramago.

I'll be updating my blog on a regular basis (once every 2 days), so feel free to leave me a comment or suggestion below! I am open to your suggested authors or novels that you may have in mind. I'll try to keep this as interactive as possible. I look forward to the next blog we will sharing together! :) Oh, and if you like my blog, follow me ;)

Have a happy Saturday!

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