Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Lord of the Rings - onto the last chapter...

I have finally read two-thirds of the all-time favourite book - <The Lord of the Rings> by J. R. R. Tolkien. It is indeed a worthy book, because of poetries and songs; I just cannot get over at how incredible it is!

At first, I thought it would be difficult to read such a grand classic (and a thick book to begin with, it is almost 2,000 pages! I cannot go on without finishing the entire book). But now I know, you read as it flows - I love to describe reading as if one does yoga - you can let it flow, do not try to read things over and over again.

Audio books really helped me to read the <Pride and Prejudice> by Jane Austen. Now this book is just worth reading! Pure adventure and joy!

The plot begins with Bilbo Baggins, the main protagonist from <The Hobbit> and slowly transition to Frodo Baggins, Gandalf, Sam, Aragorn, Merry, Pippin, Boromir, Gimli, and Legolas ('The Company'). Well, what I love particularly about this book is that it has so much human things - the dear friendship between Gimli and Legolas, as well as Frodo and Sam, many kings (and stewards) of the human race who are noble, shrewd, kind, forgiving, cruel, and most of all, courageous. 

Personally, I felt that the book LOTR (abbreviated) tells of love between friends, companions, and the will to help each other at the time of war (pressing, death, and gloomy). I feel that the author did an excellent job of tying the subsections into one central theme.

I would also like you to know that there are other books written by the same author concerning the medieval times in this strange land of fiction. I was very excited to learn of this, because I'd like to know more about the elves, the people in the ancient time as well as some more background information for the LOTR.

I highly recommend this book, as I am reading this so far, I dearly love it. Thanks to my friend who happened to mention this book to me.

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